Clay Paky Mythos on tour with Fritz Kalkbrenner
post time: 2019/7/23   views: 2427

26 May 2015

Germany - Fritz Kalkbrenner, the younger brother of musician and techno music producer Paul Kalkbrenner, is also a music producer and singer. In his solo projects, he combines techno rhythms and melodic elements. Kalkbrenner broke through with his second album Sick Travellin' and is now on tour to promote his third album Ways Over Water.
The production director Bastian Weinert and operator Thomas Dossman are in charge of the tour. The lighting was designed by Cue Design Gmbh. Among the lights used for the shows are 24 Clay Paky Mythos, together with a grandMA2 light console and an MA onPC command wing.
Jan Bohl, general manager of B&G Promotion GmbH which is in charge of technical production and equipment, stated, "We opted for Clay Paky Mythos because they are currently the best performing hybrid lights on the market. They can be used in a variety of ways: as beam lights, sky beams or spotlights with a wide zoom and super-accurate gobos. Thanks to their low power consumption, compact size and light weight, the Mythos are also economical from the point of view of transport." Flo Horvath is the on-site system engineer.